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Happy Women’s Day!

La multi ani tuturor Domnisoarelor si Doamnelor! Primavara incepe cu noi, înfloriti si zâmbiti! Purtati ambitia si increderea in voi cu cea mai de pret întelepciune. Stay brave and confident, be wise and God Bless you all! Blessings 🌷

So much to do…

My house, actually wait, it’s not my house, it’s a rented house, so my rented house which I really like but expensive, it’s very disorganised! This makes me lazy, you would say?! Well, I consider myself a busy mom, not a lazy mom. You still don’t believe me? Here is my invitation for you, please…

Sleep deprived but in love and blessed

Being Amelia’s Mother it’s a blessing, but let me tell you that I have dark circle around my eyes… sleep-deprived! She is teething and using my breasts as a dummy during the night, or wakes up crying 5-10 minutes and then back to sleep. Oh, yes, I am trying to wean her off but takes…

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Philippians 4:13: I can do everything through him who gives me strength